研究によって世界に驚きをもたらす。 Make surprise.
東京科学大学(旧:東京工業大学) 工学院 経営工学系 妹尾大
〒152-8552 東京都 目黒区大岡山 2-12-1 西9号館5F 523号室
内線: 2371、ポスト番号: W9-68
Institute of Science Tokyo (Former: Tokyo Institute of Technology), Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, Dai SENOO
Ookayama West Building 9, 5th Floor, Room 523
2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550 Japan
TEL:03-5734-2371, E-mail: senoo.d.aa@m.titech.—
研究を進める上での鍵概念 – Key concepts
研究の焦点 -Research focus
コンセプト | マネジメント (具体的研究例) | システム (具体的研究例) | |
理念 | MBB (Management By Belief) |
資源 | KRM (Knowledge Resource Management) |
手続き | KCS (Knowledge Creation Support) |
居室:西9号館5F 523号室
Office: West Building 9, 5th Floor, Room 523
E-Mail: senoo.d.aa@m.titech.—
居室:西9号館3F 307号室
Office: West Building 9, 3rd Floor, Room 307
E-Mail: eko.h.aa@m.titech.—
Complete profile
List of Publications
E-Mail: ishida.m.ae@m.titech.—
What is the condition for joining Senoo laboratory as a master candidate?
Students, who show positive attitudes and great curiosity with a sense of purpose, are welcome. The quality of your research plan will be a significant factor on our decision about whether you can join us or not. Other indispensable conditions include:
Where can I find information on necessary procedures for entrance examinations and scholarships?
Please contact the Student Support Division of Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tel:+81(3)5734-3013,7648) to get detailed instructions on necessary procedures for entrance examinations, scholarships and so on. Here are some useful links.
Can I enter Senoo Laboratory as research student?
Currently, Senoo laboratory doesn’t accept research student. There are 2 ways to join our lab.